Heaven Series 

The new heaven and new earth: 

What is the other name for the New Heaven? 

The church has been raptured, we have lived in the old heaven for seven years and spent 1000 years reigning with Christ on the old earth.  Satan and his followers will be destroyed at the last battle. Satan will be cast alive into the lake of fire eternally. The great white throne judgment Sinners of all the ages will be tried at the great white throne judgment seat of God. There will be no saved people there, all will be cast alive in the lake of fire for eternity. 


Who will inhabit the New Heaven? 

Revelation 21:1-2: And I (John) saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for husband. The new heaven will be inhabited by the New Testament Saints. For they are the bride of Christ. Later, we will see that heaven's gates will never be closed. People from the new earth can visit the new heaven. We will be welcoming Saints from all ages to enjoy the beauties of this awesome city. 


Why will there be no Tabernacle (church) in heaven? 

  1. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. God will be ever present in this eternal city of God. We will praise for his redeemer grace. There will be no need of fasting and praying for he is forever with us. Remember there is no sin that would need his guidance.
  2. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be no more pain: for that formal things are passed away. 5. And he that sat upon the throne said, behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, write: for these things are true and faithful.  

This is the heaven that most people speak about it is the final resting place of the Saints of God. This heaven comes down from God out of heaven and is established on the new earth and it's called the New Heaven or “New Jerusalem.” 

Here we have the beautiful walls of Jasper, the gates of Pearl, streets of pure gold, a river of life flowing from the throne of God, and trees of life on either side of the river bearing fruit every month for the heavenly Saints of God. 

The New Testament Saints will live in New Jerusalem. We will live and flourish in this eternal city of God. We will all have our glorified bodies we will live forever.  

Many people have wondered what will we would do in heaven? The Bible speaks, that if you have been faithful over a few things, I'll make you rulers over many. So, we will have cities outside of new Jerusalem and Saints will be ruling them. We will forever be praising God as our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. He will have the scars in his hands and scars in his feet and in his side he will forever be 100% God and 100% man. This will be a constant reminder forever in heaven what a great sacrifice Jesus gave that we could have this wonderful ending. We will know loved ones in heaven as they are known in this present earth. We'll be able to talk with our relatives and the Saints of old throughout eternity. We will not be limited to New Jerusalem. The Bible tells us the gates are open at all times and people will go in and out of that beautiful city. We will never ever be bored in heaven. We will have multitudes of millions of people to talk with forever. David Jeremiah said we may be exploring galaxies, only God knows. But Hallelujah the Saints of God will be in their final rest forever and forever. 

Touring the city of God, “New Jerusalem” 


Why do think God used diamonds, gold and precious stones to build heaven? Answers may vary. 

Revelation 21:18: and the building of the wall of it was of Jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass. 19. And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manners of precious stones (12 precious foundation stones).  21. And the 12 gates were 12 pearls and each gate was a Pearl. 22. And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God almighty and the lamb are the temple of it. 


How will heaven be lit? 

  1. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of the God did lighten it, and the lamb is the light thereof.


Who are the nations that bring glory and honor to New Jerusalem?) 

  1. And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth to bring their glory and honor onto it. 25. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. 26. And they shall bring the glory and honor of nations into it. 27. And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defiles, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the lambs book of life. 

The Bible clearly about nations that will enter new Jerusalem and bring in their glory and honor unto it. To understand, New Jerusalem Will be inhabited by the church which is the bride of Christ. As we notice there will be no more sea or oceans and Jesus says he makes everything new. Currently on this earth 3/4 of this earth is water. He will make a new earth without oceans and it will be inhabited by the Old Testament Saints, and the millennial Saints that overcame Satan in his final battle on earth. Notice: that Jesus will inhabit new Jerusalem and God or occupy what we now call the 3rd heaven his dwelling place. So when the Bible speaks that nations will bring the glory and honor these will be the nations that were on earth during the millennial reign of Christ. The new heaven or the new Jerusalem the gates will always be open and they can be visited by the occupants of the new earth. Believe me heaven will be splendid. I earnestly believe that the new earth will more beautiful than the earthly garden of Eden. For this is the final resting place of these believers. 

We will walk down the streets of gold, eat from the tree of life and maybe put our feet in the river of life. We will talk with our loved ones who are there in heaven. We will be known as we are known here on this earth. We will have fellowship with the Bible heroes that we have read and studied throughout our entire life.  We will sit down and have fellowship with Moses, Abraham, Joseph, David and especially talk with Jesus. We will have an eternity to meet loved ones and sing praises to the Lamb of God. 

The Bible says the gates of heaven are never closed, there is no night there. No one really knows how much we will explore the beauty of heaven, and the new earth that God has made for the Saints of God. We do know this that that New Jerusalem which we call heaven was made for the bride of Christ.  

I know there's a multitude of things that we will do in heaven. The first thing that I want to do is see the one who died for me. I want to meet Jesus. I have dreamed about this day sense a child. I have wondered what will happen on that day. Old people, myself included will never grow old again. We will never get in discussions about what we believe and don't believe. That day the questions that I've had about God will all be answered. In our glorified bodies we will be able to see Jesus face to face. We will see our loved ones in glory. I have prayed all my adult life for my children and my grandchildren to live with Joan and I forever in God's heaven. I prayed to God one day and asked a special blessing would come to my family. I didn't ask for fame or fortune but what I did ask that God would save all my children and grandchildren. He answered me this way, if you walk upright before me and keep my commandments I will bless your children and your children's children. I am holding on to the promise of God. It is very difficult at times. We have an enemy called Satan who wants to destroy every Christian family. I am more persuaded now than ever I must walk upright before the almighty God in order to leave a legacy for my children to follow. They will not inherit a boatload of money but I am praying that they will make a reservation in heaven and meet Joan and I there.    


Every time I think of heaven or read about heaven, I am so glad I have made my reservations to live there forever. If you don't know of a time in your life when you ask God to forgive your sins and come into your heart so you can be part of the great family of God and go to heaven. Maybe this is the time or maybe this is the day.  Don’t you want to spend eternity in a beautiful place  called heave prepared by God himself.  The altar is open, listen to the beat of your heart, that is God calling. Come! 


  • What is the other name for the New Heaven? 
  • Who will inhabit the New Heaven? 
  • Why will there be no Tabernacle (church) in heaven? 
  • Why do you think God used diamonds, gold and precious stones to build heaven? Answers will vary. 
  • How will heaven be lit? 
  • Who are the nations that bring glory and honor to New Jerusalem?