AmpliFIRE! Supper

Why AmpliFIRE! Supper?

I remember sitting around the dinner table when I was a kid. I would talk about different things with my family. Sometimes, my days were happy and we would just laugh together. Sometimes topics were sad and we would encourage each other.

Today, many families have not had the opportunity to experience a family meal. Many haven't felt the support of their family while sharing a comforting meal around the table.

Before we started this, I was praying about our food ministry and God placed a desire within me to start sharing a meal with the kids that we serve. I kept seeing Jesus feed his followers physically and then spiritually. I started thinking, "Why am I not following His example?"

From that point on, we have shared a meal every Wednesday. We laugh. We cry. We encourage each other. We love each other around a large set of tables in our fellowship hall.

When God calls us to feed the hungry, he doesn't just mean feed them spiritually.

Let us be filled with both the spiritual and physical food that our loving Father has provided. Amen.

End of article.
